Wednesday, October 29, 2014

So What If My Facebook Icon Isn't "I'm a Mormon"

When I hear church leaders talk about the proper uses of modern technology, I have to pause and analyze the way I use computers. I know that technology is a morally neutral thing; it is not good or bad in and of itself, but it can be used to good or evil ends. I personally don't use a computer for many 'good' ends, but I also certainly don't use it for evil. For example, I program. I enjoy programming. I feel like spending time programming is a good thing to do because it helps me grow and develop my talents--but it's certainly not indexing or building my family tree or sharing Mormon Messages on Facebook. Still, I feel okay about my personal use of technology. I do find opportunities to share the gospel and just be a good example to the people I interact with in digital areas. I try very hard to not let my computer use get in the way of living life--especially my family life. Overall, I do feel like I put technology to good use in my life.

1 comment:

  1. All things should be done in balance. If you don't use social media much, it may not be a good idea to use it exclusively to share the gospel. People have to see that you're a real person and that they can connect with you on some level. Only then will you have the rapport necessary to be able to share the gospel with someone in such a way that they will take you seriously. Those are my views on using technology for good. Make sure your gospel use of technology is proportional to your overall usage.
